Thursday 5 July 2007



i am so happy, i have finally found the answer to the question that i posed in my Noise post, "do our taiwanese neighbours get as angry as we do about the construction noise or have they just accepted it?"

well ... dina and i were scurrying through the torrential spring rain of taipei, having just returned from a visit to my neurologist, dr. tai -who said that my condition is stable and that i should just continue with the same meds and the same 3 short walks outside every week for the next two months. aargh! but those worries are for another post - as we were running down the alley and entering our apartment building i could hear a constant, very loud, ground-shaking drone. what is that sound, i wondered. then, once in the apartment i looked out the window at our one building site just in time to see a taiwanese neighbour of ours come running out of his ground floor flat, screaming and waving his umbrella around like a madman. he then proceeded to throw a brick through one of the newly erected windows of the construction site, then ineffectually threw his umbrella at the building while waving his arms and legs around and shrieking like a lunatic. this all while the foreman looked on from the 6th floor.

hooray! the neighbourhood fights back! and it is good to know that it is not only me and colin that enjoy throwing things at the construction sites ;-).

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