Hagga Hagga farm
Pearly Beach flower
so yes, things have been pretty busy and i have been having fun and spending lots of money and it doesn't stop there as i am planning to go to a music festival this weekend with friends, my cousin and B - more money to be spent and fun to be had! woo hoo!
BUT in amongst all this fun, there has been angst - of course! there has to be angst! lets start with the clonazepam. still a fucking thorn in my side! i was still taking 0.5 mg a day when i left for the eastern cape. i didn't want to be struggling with withdrawal symptoms while on holiday. so i stopped taking the clonazepam on tuesday, 23 september after i got back. by friday, 26 september i was a mess. now, i have been having some withdrawal symptoms - like vivid dreams and night sweats. this got worse on thursday night. i had a really bad night and woke up on friday morning feeling very shaky and panicky. i tried to calm down as i got ready to go to pearly beach with my cousin, but i was just getting worse. i know that this is how it starts and then things just get worse and i start freaking out. i couldn't do that while away with my cousin so ... i gave in and went back onto 0.5 mg a day. i am still taking that, but plan to stop completely after the music festival this weekend (Rocking the Daisies). but god am i SCARED. how am i going to handle these withdrawals? i can't keep running away from this. what is going to happen to me and B, what about me and my friends (many of whom i haven't seen in ages anyway!). i don't want to be a basket case! but i have to do it. FUCK!
this situation has been worrying me. the other things that have been getting to me are firstly the usual - frustration at waiting for my life to start, wanting to go back to taiwan and live as an adult again, not having a job/car or even wanting to live in cape town, feeling trapped and dependent on others. it all just gets overwhelming eventually. add to this that my freelancing job has come to an end so i have no source of income, my medical aid has run out, i can't get hold of my neurosurgeon to try and schedule my final angiography etc etc and you just have a list of things that are hanging over my head ... oh and i have not been eating properly or following decent sleeping patterns. i need structure in my life and i am craving having a job again (although i know that wont last long ;-). when i spend time with B we go to bed late and get up late and i actually hate doing that. i need to have routine, exercise and a healthy diet in my life. i am trying to start that again.
and finally, i have been feeling very irritable lately - especially with B. i don't know why. maybe it is just because he is busy with life ... job etc and i seem to be sinking let alone moving forward. i find myself dreaming of taiwan more and more, but i know that i have a lot to be grateful for. cape town is beautiful and i have been having a great time here. i should enjoy the holiday while it lasts and enjoy being in my home country while it lasts. maybe when the sun starts to shine more then i will perk up. until then i am trying to get more exercise, and just get my life in order. i guess i have been running around doing lotsa things and haven't felt like i have things under control. now is the time to stop being distracted and start getting sorted.
PS. the course that i went on was great - i didn't struggle too much with the long days and i learnt a lot about myself and life - although i tend to forget these things and then fall into the same old traps again, but it is a work in progress. now i am doing a seminar course on success for the next 3 months every wednesday evening. i am going to a session this evening. i feel lazy about it when i think about going, but it is interesting and keeps me busy and productive.
PPS. thanks to the course i am no longer angry with my sister or colin and have been in touch with both of them. not that i will ever be good friends with them but at least i feel that there are no loose ends or negative feelings anymore.