Sunday 8 April 2007


well it has taken me long enough, but i think i have finally stopped procrastinating and playing around on that terrible 'facebook' website. and perhaps this is an auspicious day (very important in taiwan!) for me to start my blog as it is exactly 3 months since i first learnt that i had an AVM on my brain stem and since i stopped smoking. really, this is a bit of an experiment.

a) to see if it has therapeutic value. i have been through a lot and haven't really dealt with it, although i am also still dealing with 'it' everyday. bit of a paradox really. but when something like this happens to you, you don't have much time for 'wailing and gnashing of teeth'. . . you just have to close your eyes and do what has to be done.

b) to see if i could seriously write a book or something like that about all of my experiences as my family and friends keep suggesting. this means that some of my posts will be practice character sketches etc. i have some great characters to sketch, particularly middle-aged taiwanese men. so, since i feel i am better at writing to someone (even an imagined audience) this might also be the beginnings of a blockbuster novel.

c) the info i post might actually help others who have the same condition as i do. i went mis-diagnosed for months by doctors who didn't really listen to me or didn't really care. it being especially difficult being a South African (foreigner) in Taiwan. i didn't have a good GP or really know what kind of doctor to go to even. i wasted a lot of time with ENT specialists when what i really needed was a neurologist.

but i am getting ahead of myself, i suppose i should really tell the story from the beginning and i hope this doesn't just turn into me whingeing about how crappy i feel and how horrible my situation is. please, if there is anyone out there reading this; send me an internet slap in the face if that happens.

But, i will have to keep you in suspense because i am not feeling very 'perky' right now. it is 9:43 pm so almost time for me to take my meds and go to bed.

oh, and one last thing. i'm too lazy to use correct punctuation a lot of the time. perhaps that will be the interesting quirk that will make my future novel a blockbuster. although i have a feeling that missing punctuation has been done before. e. e. cummings perhaps. . .

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