Tuesday 13 November 2007


8 September 2007

Birthday boy

colin's 26th birthday was on a friday, lucky boy! i knew that he was still feeling lonely and desperately wanted/needed to have some fun with a nice group of people. he needed to relax and be carefree for a change, he needed to escape the seriousness, the tragedy, the stress of our situation. so i invited everybody that we knew in taipei to a party on our rooftop and most of them came. the organisation of the party was part of my birthday present to him, that and me stuffing myself full of xanax so as to avoid having spasms and ruining his fun.

the party was a definite success. we moved our door-sized coffee table outside onto our roof, hooked up speakers to my laptop outside and even moved a standing lamp outside to provide some lighting. it was a beautiful night and people came and went from about 6 pm until 5 am. colin bought mescal tequila (with WORMS - of course!) for the party and i gave everybody gift packs of xanax (my doctor always gave me far too much and our friends were more than happy to take the excess off my hands ;-). i stayed up pretty late talking to people, videoing and taking photos, but i took no responsibility for colin's drunkenness. he ended up puking tequila worms off our rooftop onto the veranda roof of our landlord below us. luckily we had some good friends who looked after him and even cleaned the offended veranda roof below us. since i have stopped drinking i find drunk people incredibly irritating, loud and embarrassing and that is normally the point in the night's proceeding's where i go to bed.

colin and the rest of the party planned to take drugs that night, but it was agreed that colin could not take anymore intoxicants until he had drunk sufficient water and recovered from his battle with the mescal worms. i could feel i was getting tired and irritated so i went to bed at about 12 pm, well, i tried to anyway. i lay in bed for ages, but i couldn't sleep knowing that all my friends were just outside having fun. after a few hours my curiosity and jealousy got the better of me and i got up to see what was going on. people were all over the rooftop and in our neighbour's flat, fucked on ecstasy. i actually had a bit of fun with them as they were all extra loving, caring and fun (as people on E tend to be ;-).

I ended up only going back to bed at 5 am when everyone went to an early morning party at someone elses house. colin arrived back home at about 10 am and passed out, but our neighbour and a whole lot of his friends stayed up the whole of sunday, semptember 9 partying on our rooftop. it was a beautiful sunny day and i chatted to the partiers for a while who all seemed to be really nice people. i was happy that colin had had a fun night and i didn't mind that there was a whole lot of fucked people on my rooftop, listening to loud music and partying all sunday. in fact, i was quite proud of how accepting i was of the whole situation. "i am a cool sick person" i thought. i didn't really feel bitter, angry, jealous or left-out and i wasnt pissed off that a quiet sunday was being torn apart by my neighbour and his friends. but then ... that was the first time it had happened.

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